On Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 4:43 PM David G. Johnston <
david.g.johns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 2:28 PM Barry Kimelman <blkimel...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX my_companies_id_unique ON
>> my_companies(string_company_id) WHERE delete_timestamp IS NULL;
>> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX my_companies_company_name_unique ON
>> my_companies(company_name) WHERE delete_timestamp IS NULL;
>> I issued the following sql insert in an attempt to use "on conflict" to
>> update the
>> duplicate column name
>> insert into my_companies
>> (second_id,string_company_id,company_name,person_name)
>> values (1,'66','widgets','seller-toto')
>> on conflict (company_name) do update set company_name =
>> concat(company_name,'++',string_company_id);
>> when I ran my sql statement I received the following error message
>> bkimelman=# \i insert-companies-1c.sql
>> psql:insert-companies-1c.sql:3: ERROR:  column reference "company_name"
>> is ambiguous
>> LINE 3: ...company_name) do update set company_name = concat(company_na...
>> I tried fully qualifying the column names in the concat() function call,
>> but all that did was get me a different error message
> Which is the more interesting one since the ambiguous column name error
> you did show has been resolved...
>> What would be the proper format for the "on conflict" clause ?
> I think that since your index is partial you need to modify your insert
> command's on conflict clause to include a matching where clause.  (WHERE
> index_predicate)
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-insert.html
> David J.
Thanks for the reply. but could you be more specific about the where clause
? I am new to postgresql and ON CONFLICT


Barry Kimelman
Winnipeg, MB, Canada

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