I have not been able to get the "ON CONFLICT" clause to work
I am using psql 14.4 on ubuntu

Given the following table definition

CREATE TABLE my_companies (
  second_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES big_list(second_id),
  string_company_id TEXT NOT NULL,
  company_name TEXT NOT NULL,
  person_name TEXT NOT NULL
  INHERITS ( _audit_table, _delete_table );

and the following constraints

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX my_companies_id_unique ON
my_companies(string_company_id) WHERE delete_timestamp IS NULL;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX my_companies_company_name_unique ON
my_companies(company_name) WHERE delete_timestamp IS NULL;

I issued the following sql insert in an attempt to use "on conflict" to
update the
duplicate column name

insert into my_companies
values (1,'66','widgets','seller-toto')
on conflict (company_name) do update set company_name =

In this example a record with a company name of 'widgets' already exists
and will
result in an constraint violation

when I ran my sql statement I received the following error message

bkimelman=# \i insert-companies-1c.sql
psql:insert-companies-1c.sql:3: ERROR:  column reference "company_name" is
LINE 3: ...company_name) do update set company_name = concat(company_na...

I tried fully qualifying the column names in the concat() function call,
but all that did was get me a different error message

What would be the proper format for the "on conflict" clause ?

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