What is the best way to redefine a trigger? (lock issue)
Hello, I have deployment/migration scripts that require to be idempotent. When (re)defining or deleting triggers, I've lately observed locked statements that seemed never to release (waited for a few hours). affected version: PG 10 (and probably PG 12 ?) My case is similar to that old description and I wonder if the recommendation to first change the trigger function to a no-op function still make sense. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24738354/how-to-drop-a-trigger-in-a-resilient-manner-in-postgresql. In the first observed case, with a test db, I did kill all existing connections to the db and tried to drop the trigger with a fresh new connection. This again resulted in a long lasting lock and I gave up, tipping on a db corruption. What does happen in the background, that can make a trigger deletion fail? Are there situation where row level locks instead of table level locks are acquired? Coul background processeslike vacuumplay a role here? As I've observed this problem only a very few times, I guess it is not easily reproducable. attached is an picture of pg_stat_activity during such a lock, thanks, Marc Mamin here an example of a such a deployment/migration script, all of these scripts are applied sequentially in separate transactions: ======================================= SET client_min_messages=error; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION block_item_cancel() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $BODY$ DECLARE blockedItemLevel int; client int; BEGIN WITH RECURSIVE rec as ( SELECT s.id as clientref, s."parentRef", a."fruitRef" FROM "ClientDO" s LEFT JOIN "Fruit2ClientDO" a ON (s.id=a."clientRef" and a."fruitRef" = NEW."fruitRef") WHERE s.id = (select "clientRef" from "SeenDO" where "id" = NEW."SeenRef") UNION ALL SELECT s2.id as clientref, s2."parentRef", a2."fruitRef" FROM rec JOIN "ClientDO" s2 on (s2.id=rec."parentRef") LEFT JOIN LATERAL (select"fruitRef" from "Fruit2ClientDO" ax WHERE rec."parentRef"=ax."clientRef" and ax."fruitRef" = NEW."fruitRef") a2 ON TRUE WHERE rec."parentRef" IS NOT NULL --Only first matching client should be used AND rec."fruitRef" IS NULL ) SELECT clientref FROM rec WHERE "fruitRef" is not null INTO client; blockedItemLevel = (NEW."quantitySeened" - NEW."quantityCanceled"); IF blockedItemLevel > 0 THEN UPDATE "BlockedItemAO" SET "blockedItem" = blockedItemLevel, "modificationDate" = now() WHERE "SeenPosRef" = NEW."id"; ELSE DELETE FROM "BlockedItemAO" WHERE "SeenPosRef" = NEW."id"; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql COST 100; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS block_item_cancel ON "SeenPosDO"; CREATE TRIGGER block_item_cancel AFTER UPDATE OF "quantityCanceled" ON "SeenPosDO" FOR EACH ROW WHEN ( NEW."providerRef" <> 1 AND ( NEW."quantityCanceled" IS DISTINCT FROM OLD."quantityCanceled" ) ) EXECUTE PROCEDURE block_item_cancel();