Ok, I'll take a look.
I recreated the is_inside column yesterday, but it didn't make any
Uchet=# select attname, attgenerated from pg_attribute
Uchet-# where attrelid = 'bpd.object'::regclass and attnum > 0;
            attname            | attgenerated
 id                            |
 id_class                      |
 id_position                   |
 ........pg.dropped.4........  |
 ........pg.dropped.5........  |
 ........pg.dropped.6........  |
 bquantity                     |
 ........pg.dropped.8........  |
 ........pg.dropped.9........  |
 id_position_root              |
 id_conception                 |
 barcode_unit                  |
 id_unit_conversion_rule       |
 ........pg.dropped.14........ |
 timestamp                     |
 on_freeze                     |
 timestamp_class               |
 name                          |
 id_class_root                 |
 id_group                      |
 id_group_root                 |
 id_object_carrier             |
 desc                          |
 ........pg.dropped.24........ |
 ........pg.dropped.25........ |
 ........pg.dropped.26........ |
 id_class_prop_object_carrier  |
 id_pos_temp_prop              |
 ........pg.dropped.29........ |
 mc                            |
 is_inside                     | s

вс, 21 нояб. 2021 г. в 21:24, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>:

> =?UTF-8?B?0JTQvNC40YLRgNC40Lkg0JjQstCw0L3QvtCy?= <firstdis...@gmail.com>
> writes:
> >> So did you do an ALTER TABLE ... GENERATED ALWAYS AS on bpg.object in
> >> the Postgres 12 version of the database?
> > I think you're right, I added later.
> Hmm, that's suggestive, but I tried making a table that way and still did
> not see any pg_dump misbehavior.
> It might be useful to see the results of this query on the v12 server:
> select attname, attgenerated from pg_attribute
> where attrelid = 'bpd.object'::regclass and attnum > 0;
> We should see attgenerated = 's' for the generated column, but
> maybe we don't?
>                         regards, tom lane

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