=?UTF-8?B?0JTQvNC40YLRgNC40Lkg0JjQstCw0L3QvtCy?= <firstdis...@gmail.com> writes: >> So did you do an ALTER TABLE ... GENERATED ALWAYS AS on bpg.object in >> the Postgres 12 version of the database?
> I think you're right, I added later. Hmm, that's suggestive, but I tried making a table that way and still did not see any pg_dump misbehavior. It might be useful to see the results of this query on the v12 server: select attname, attgenerated from pg_attribute where attrelid = 'bpd.object'::regclass and attnum > 0; We should see attgenerated = 's' for the generated column, but maybe we don't? regards, tom lane