Adrian Klaver <> writes:
> On 9/20/21 11:00 PM, Tim Uckun wrote:
>> I am hoping to get some clarification on timestamp with time zone.
>> My understanding is that timestamp with time zone stores data in UTC
>> but displays it in your time zone.  Does this also work on queries? If
>> I query between noon and 2:00 PM on some date in time zone XYZ does pg
>> translate the query to UTC before sending it to the server?
>> So does the database know the timestamp is in auckland time when the
>> client is connecting from a server on UTC?

It might be more clear if you realize that there is no client-side logic
involved here.  The rotation to/from UTC happens in timestamptz_in or
timestamptz_out, based on the server's TimeZone setting.

It's incumbent on clients to set TimeZone correctly if they want
unlabeled timestamps to be interpreted in a particular zone.

                        regards, tom lane

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