Thank you Michael for your suggestion, I will reduce vacuum_cost_delay and increasing vacuum_cost_limit to speedup vacuum. But the I/O system is very solicitated on PROD system and I do not want to impact end user performance. If aggressive cost_delay and vacuum_cost_limit slow down significatively end user performance, I may have to kill the vacuum, but would like to keep as much vacuum work as possible.
My concern is about the size of the max_dead_tuples buffer determined by the autovacuum_work_mem * autovacuum_work_mem is currently 1GB (default to maintenance_work_mem) When I ran a vacuum on a DEV system and it made a single “scanning heap/vacuuming indexes/vacuuming heap” cycle of about 12 hours. The vacuuming indexes phase is half the total time (6 hrs). Q1: I guess that if I have to kill the vacuum midway, I will lose all the work it did during the scanning heap step? Right? Q2: If I reduce autovacuum_work_mem to 32MB, is there any side effect performance on the vacuum? thanks