On 10/7/20 2:24 PM, Rob Sargent wrote:
On 10/6/20 9:35 AM, James B. Byrne wrote:
Thank you all for the help. This is what ultimate resolved the issue
for me:
[root@accounting-2 ~ (master)]# psql -E --dbname=idempiere
Password for user postgres:
psql (11.8)
Type "help" for help.
idempiere(5432)=# select current_schemas(true);
(1 row)
idempiere(5432)=# ALTER ROLE idempiere_dbadmin SET search_path TO
idempiere(5432)=# \q
[root@accounting-2 ~ (master)]# psql -E --dbname=idempiere
--username=idempiere_dbadmin --host=localhost
Password for user idempiere_dbadmin:
psql (11.8)
Type "help" for help.
idempiere(5432)=# select current_schemas(true);
I wonder what affect installing uuid-ossp in template1 /before/ starting
with the idempiere installation might have had. Such that 'create
database idempiere;' would have put all the related functions in place
Well the issue was not the extension install. It was there. The problem
was the hide and seek with the search_path. The idempiere_dbadmin role
had a database setting that overrode the default search_path and
prevented non-schema qualified calls to the functions to fail for that role.
Adrian Klaver