On 10/5/20 9:31 AM, James B. Byrne wrote:

On Mon, October 5, 2020 11:52, Adrian Klaver wrote:

That is the natural order of events. The database has to exist before
you can add an extension to it. Unless you are saying that you did not
build the extension until after the database was created.

That is the meaning that I meant to convey.  The a rough outline of the sequent
of events respecting this was:

Install postgreqsl

Initialise database

su - postgres -c 'createuser -S -d -r -l -P adempiere'

Run install script which creates the application database.

The install script(s) required a number of iterations and some modifications to
get working on FreeBSD.

su idempiere -c" psql -d idempiere -U adempiere -c 'CREATE EXTENSION 

FYI, you don't need to change to a system user to use that username in the psql connection. As long as you specify -U some_name you can connect from the terminal of any system user and have the connection be from the -U some_name.

At some point I decided to switch the name of the user owning the application
database from adempiere to idempiere-dbadmin.  Probably this was done to align
the user names with  our internal conventions.  A decision which I strongly
suspect is at the root of this problem.

Following this decision I went through the entire modified install scripts
again, this time using the new username(s).
However, I did discover this:

2000  2020-09-11 16:15:17: psql -d idempiere -U adempiere -c 'CREATE EXTENSION

2001  2020-09-11 16:17:08: su idempiere -c" psql -d idempiere -U adempiere -c

The thing is, from upstream:

idempiere=# \df+ uuid_generate_v4

Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | Volatility | Parallel | Owner | Security | Access privileges | Language |
Source code    | Description
public | uuid_generate_v4 | uuid | | func |
volatile   | safe     | postgres | invoker  |                   | c        |
uuid_generate_v4 |
(1 row)

This indicates that you created the extension as user 'postgres'.

I can only conjecture that I got confused at this point in the process and used
the admpiere username artifact from the initial install attempts instead of the
idempiere-admin username subsequently employed.

I realise that I am providing this information in a rather disjointed manner.
However the number of modifications and restarts I had to perform to get the
software to install rather confuses my memory and the history logs do not add
much in the way of clarity.

What I need to know now is how to correct this error.

It would depend on whether the database is live or not. If it is still in dev stage I would say start over with install, using the new found knowledge. Otherwise it will depend on the answers to the questions downstream. Will answer there.

Adrian Klaver

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