On 2/13/20 10:04 AM, Jason Ralph wrote:
Well table bloat and table statistics are two different things. Bloat is the
accumulation of dead or potentially dead tuples whose space has not been marked
> as available for reuse by VACUUM or whose space has been returned to the OS
with VACUUM FULL. For more information see:
Thanks for the helpful response @Adrian Klaver,
Let me try to rephrase my question,
If a table has bloat before the upgrade, autvacuum was not aggressive enough,
once pg_upgrade is complete, the same table will contain the same amount of
bloat(dead tuples)? Meaning its not the same as pg_dump / pg_restore since
it’s a hard link to the previous data location. Pg_upgrade with link will not
recreate the table.
Yes pg_upgrade is a transfer of the binary data(sort of) whereas
pg_dump/restore is a logical transfer. So pg_upgrade via copy/clone/link
will not recreate user tables. For a good overview see IMPLEMENTATION
file in src:
Jason Ralph
Adrian Klaver