On 19/12/2019 12:25, Andrey Borodin wrote:
Hi Fabio!

Thanks for looking into this.

19 дек. 2019 г., в 17:14, Fabio Ugo Venchiarutti <f.venchiaru...@ocado.com> 

You're hitting the CAP theorem ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAP_theorem )

You cannot do it with fewer than 3 nodes, as the moment you set your standby to 
synchronous to achieve consistency, both your nodes become single points of 
We have 3 nodes, and the problem is reproducible with all standbys being 

With 3 or more nodes you can perform what is called a quorum write against ( 
floor(<total_nodes> / 2) + 1 ) nodes .
The problem seems to be reproducible in quorum commit too.

With 3+ nodes, the "easy" strategy is to set a <quorum - 1> number of standby 
nodes in synchronous_standby_names ( 

This however makes it tricky to pick the correct standby for promotions during 
auto-failovers, as you need to freeze all the standbys listed in the above 
setting in order to correctly determine which one has the highest WAL location 
without running into race conditions (as the operation is non-atomic, stateful 
and sticky).
After promotion of any standby we still can commit to old primary with the 
combination of cancel and retry.

AFAICT this pseudo-idempotency issue can only be solved if every query is validated against the quorum.

A quick-and-dirty solution would be to wrap the whole thing in a CTE which also returns a count from pg_stat_replication (a stray/partitioned master would have less than (quorum - 1 standbys). (May be possible to do it directly in the RETURNING clause, I don't have a backend handy test that).

You can either look into the result at the client or force an error via some bad cast/zero division in the query.

All the above is however still subject to (admittedly tight) race conditions.

This problem is precisely why I don't use any of the off-the shelf solutions: last time I checked none of that had a connection proxy/router to direct clients to the real master and not a node that thinks it is.

I personally prefer to designate a fixed synchronous set at setup time and 
automatically set a static synchronous_standby_names on the master whenever a 
failover occurs. That allows for a simpler failover mechanism as you know they 
got the latest WAL location.
No, synchronous standby does not necessarily own latest WAL. It has WAL point 
no earlier than all commits acknowledged to client.

You're right. I should have said "latest WAL holding an acknowledged transaction"


Best regards, Andrey Borodin.


Fabio Ugo Venchiarutti
OSPCFC Network Engineering Dpt.
Ocado Technology


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