Hi! I cannot figure out proper way to implement safe HA upsert. I will be very grateful if someone would help me.
Imagine we have primary server after failover. It is network-partitioned. We are doing INSERT ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; that eventually timed out. az1-grx88oegoy6mrv2i/db1 M > WITH new_doc AS ( INSERT INTO t( pk, v, dt ) VALUES ( 5, 'text', now() ) ON CONFLICT (pk) DO NOTHING RETURNING pk, v, dt) SELECT new_doc.pk from new_doc; ^CCancel request sent WARNING: 01000: canceling wait for synchronous replication due to user request DETAIL: The transaction has already committed locally, but might not have been replicated to the standby. LOCATION: SyncRepWaitForLSN, syncrep.c:264 Time: 2173.770 ms (00:02.174) Here our driver decided that something goes wrong and we retry query. az1-grx88oegoy6mrv2i/db1 M > WITH new_doc AS ( INSERT INTO t( pk, v, dt ) VALUES ( 5, 'text', now() ) ON CONFLICT (pk) DO NOTHING RETURNING pk, v, dt) SELECT new_doc.pk from new_doc; pk ---- (0 rows) Time: 4.785 ms Now we have split-brain, because we acknowledged that row to client. How can I fix this? There must be some obvious trick, but I cannot see it... Or maybe cancel of sync replication should be disallowed and termination should be treated as system failure? Best regards, Andrey Borodin.