Thanks Kevin for the inputs,

In my Case there are 500+ Tables and biggest chunk 30GB ( Table only) + its
So i have created 6 batches and executed in parallel . All my scripts
completed in 2 Hours and my DB size came down from 500GB to 300GB.

Yes i do see CPU spike, But i did whole activity with full apps down time.

Going forward i am going to run vacuum daily basis to maintain the DB size.

Also Table/DB Age came down drastically.


On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 12:53 PM Kevin Brannen <> wrote:

> *From:* Perumal Raj <>
> So conclude the requirement here , The only way to parallelism is multiple
> script. And no need to do REINDEX exclusively.
> Question : Do we need to consider  Table dependencies while preparing
> script in order to avoid table locks during vacuum full ?
> We have a small bash script (see below) that get the list of tables and
> their sizes, sorted smallest to largest, and do “vacuum full” one at a time
> because (as someone else pointed out) this is very I/O intensive. That
> order also helps to ensure we finish because some of our installs are at
> the edge of running out of space (an issue we’re dealing with). I probably
> wouldn’t have a problem doing 2 at a time, but we do this in the middle of
> the night when activity is lowest and it only takes 1-2 hours, so we’re
> good with it. It sounds like you have a lot more data though.
> You might also consider putting the data into different tablespaces which
> are spread over multiple disks to help I/O. If you can, use SSD drives,
> they help with speed quite a bit. 😊
> Don’t worry about table dependencies. This is a physical operation, not a
> data operation.
> HTH,
> Kevin
>     $PGPATH/psql -t -c "
>         WITH s AS (SELECT nspname || '.' || relname AS TABLE_NAME,
> pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) AS total_bytes
>                   FROM pg_class c
>                   LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
>                   WHERE relkind = 'r' AND nspname NOT IN ( 'pg_catalog',
> 'information_schema' )
>                   ORDER BY 2 )
>         SELECT table_name FROM s
>         " |
>     while read t ; do echo "" ; echo $t; $PGPATH/vacuumdb -w -z -f -t $t ;
> done
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