On 1/24/19 8:11 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:

* Ron (ronljohnso...@gmail.com) wrote:
On 1/24/19 7:26 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
* Ron (ronljohnso...@gmail.com) wrote:
The backups partition is running out of disk space, and I need to delete the
only backup.

$ pgbackrest expire --stanza=localhost --retention-full=0
ERROR: [032]: '0' is out of range for 'repo1-retention-full' option
Yeah, pgbackrest doesn't ever really think you want to get rid of *all*
of your backups. :)
It's rare, but *is* occasionally needed.

So, in version 2.07, what's the secret sauce for deleting that final copy?
If this is the only backup and the only cluster being backed up into
that repository, you could just nuke the whole repo and recreate it with
stanza-create once you're ready to have backups again..
That occurred to me while lying in bed.  Use "stanza-delete"?
That's another option,

What's the preferred method?

though you'll have to use --force unless you're also shutting PG down.

Won't be stopping postgres!!!

Are these the steps, or am I missing something?

$ pgbackrest stop
$ pgbackrest stanza-delete --stanza=mystanza--force

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