
* Ron ( wrote:
> On 1/24/19 7:26 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> >* Ron ( wrote:
> >>The backups partition is running out of disk space, and I need to delete the
> >>only backup.
> >>
> >>$ pgbackrest expire --stanza=localhost --retention-full=0
> >>ERROR: [032]: '0' is out of range for 'repo1-retention-full' option
> >Yeah, pgbackrest doesn't ever really think you want to get rid of *all*
> >of your backups. :)
> It's rare, but *is* occasionally needed.
> >>So, in version 2.07, what's the secret sauce for deleting that final copy?
> >If this is the only backup and the only cluster being backed up into
> >that repository, you could just nuke the whole repo and recreate it with
> >stanza-create once you're ready to have backups again..
> That occurred to me while lying in bed.  Use "stanza-delete"?

That's another option, though you'll have to use --force unless you're
also shutting PG down.



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