
On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 12:54 PM Kevin Brannen <kbran...@efji.com> wrote:

> Hmm, I guess I could see that as long as the DB wasn't too [write] busy,
> else you'd be flooded with notifications.

Sure. But this could be resolved by allowing notifications to be batched
together. Debounce them. So could maybe configure how often you want such
notifications and if they are more often they would be combined together
into one.

> Maybe it's a useful idea for you ... or maybe not. 😊

Thanks. Yes, this is one approach to do it. Hooking into every modify call
at the app level and in this way have some information what is changing. I
would prefer doing it in the database though, so that it could be
independent from the source of the change. Moreover, not all UPDATE queries
really do end up updating the data.



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