From: Mitar <>

> On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 12:07 PM Rob Sargent <> wrote:
> > Are you hoping to see the difference in the returned values for successive 
> > calls to the same query?
> i would like to in as close to real-time as possible get notification when 
> results of a query would have changed if I would do the same query again, 
> without me having to do polling or without me having to do diffing.

Hmm, I guess I could see that as long as the DB wasn't too [write] busy, else 
you'd be flooded with notifications.

Some years ago when I was working on a web app in Perl (which uses the DBI 
module for all communication to the DB), I subclassed DBI in order to see all 
calls to the DB. For most statements, I just let all the calls go thru. But for 
inserts, I wrote to a file the data that was being inserted; for deletes I 
wrote what was being deleted; and for updates I wrote the before and after 
values. (For the last 2 I changed the delete/update into a select to get the 
data.) It made it much easier to see how data changed -- especially when I was 
new to the app.

You could do something like that, where you have an interceptor that reports on 
data changes, filtering/searching for just the parts you want as you see fit. 
Of course, that would be just for your app, it wouldn't catch changes made from 
psql and other tools.

Maybe it's a useful idea for you ... or maybe not. 😊

If you had to have all statements no matter what tool was used to change data, 
I'd probably change log_statements to "all", "tail -f" the Pg log, and "do the 
right thing" (which could be non-trivial).

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