Le 20/04/2010 01:36, Jorge Gustavo Rocha a écrit :
> Hi Guillaume,
> In fact, I'm using the pt_PT translation. 
> Thank you for discovering the problem. I think it should be corrected
> also in other languages.

I think so. Will change it.

> I've changed from Ctrl+V to Ctrl+U in i18n/pt_PT/pgadmin3.po, but the
> Makefile does not generate a newer .mo file.

No, you need to use the msgfmt tool this way:

LANG=C msgfmt -o pgadmin3.mo pgadmin3.po

in the i18n/pt_PT directory.

> If it is easy for you, please tell me how to generate another *.mo. I've
> already tried 'make clean', but without success. Otherwise, I will try
> to investigate it a little further. Anyway, your hint was very valuable.
> Thanks!

You're welcome :)


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