I myself never used MP3Gain. And no, this program
doesn't come bundled with any malware at all.
Very small, fast and 100% accessible to JAWS. That's all I need LOL!
At 06:39 AM 5/21/2017, you wrote:
How does this program compare to MP3 Gain, which I have used for years.
Also, does this program install other garbage on your computer?
Rich De Steno
On 5/21/2017 3:00 AM, Kenny wrote:
You're welcome Brian. I'm happy to give back to
a group that has given me so much help over the years.
At 02:31 AM 5/21/2017, you wrote:
Hi Kenny,
Thanks a lot.
We don't get much of that great stuff anymore on the lists, so it's highly
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Kenny
Sendt: 21. maj 2017 00:30
Til: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Emne: Here's a Cool Little Program for Raising the Volume of Audio Files.
I was looking for a small Windows program for raising the volume of some of
my OTR MP3 files that were barely audible.
Came across the following:
This program does a great job at doing exactly what I wanted. In addition,
it allows you to encode the audio file into another format.
Completely accessible to JAWS.
Very very fast!
You can also batch process an entire folder too.
Thought I would share this find with the group.
Have a good day!