The simplest explanation is that a time signal allows you to calibrate
your time piece manually.
Let's go back in time say to when WWV first went on the air back in the
late 1920's.
At that time, clocks and other time pieces weren't too reliable and - in
some cases - needed to be calibrated daily with a Time Signal, WWV being
one of the earliest around.
So you tuned your radio to WWV and waited for the stroke on the 0 second
of the minute, "58, 59 0", long note which started the count up to the
next 0 second of the next minute.
WWV has announcements to indicate the time coming up, "At The Time 9
Hours 48 Minutes Co-ordinated Universal time", that way the person
setting the time piece has time to be ready for the 0 second stroke.
Of course modern-day time signals such as WWV/WWVH do far more than that
these days and there's a whole host of different signal services around.
The future of time signals is shaky given that most clocks now can
adjust themselves thanks to the Internet or an Atomic Clock time signal
so no need for a human to be involved in the calibration process.
You can find more details about WWV etc on Google - despite what you
might hear from those who ought to know better <smile>> - and Wikipedia.
On 21/05/2017 5:55 AM, Hamit Campos wrote:
What's this time signal thing anyways? What's it do exactly?
On 5/14/2017 4:30 AM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
There's absolutely no point listening to a time signal service such
as WWV on a PC as what you hear would be delayed by the time you hear
it thus setting the time by such a method would be completely
Still the best way to set time is to tune into WWV/WWVH on a
Shortwave receiver on 2.5, 5, 10, 15 or 20MHZ, the higher frequency's
come in well during the afternoon.
WWV was recently upgraded, there was talk of it going off the air.
WWV has been in operation since 1927, impressive.
You can phone WWV/WWVH and hear them that way though again what you
hear will be delayed at least by a quarter of a second, more likely
These are US phone numbers
WWV 3034997111
WWVH 8083354363
You can patch these two different numbers together to simulate
exactly what you'd hear if you tuned to one of the abovementioned
frequency's on a Shortwave Radio.
In Australia the best way to set your time piece manually is to find
a station with an accurate local time signal, I say accurate because
some are delayed by at least a second owing to satellite links being
used, ABC being a case in point so that can't always be relied upon.
On 14/05/2017 2:43 PM, Adam Morris wrote:
Hi all,
Does anyone know of a site or way I can receive a time signal like
wwv using a pc?
Have tried google but links I found don't work.
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