I've been doing my cd, vinyl and tape rips all at 320k-bit, and hear nothing
wrong. Quite offen some transcode their stuff making it look like it's been
done at 320k-bit, but it's artificial. I'll continue to use the format until
suddenly it magicly stops working, but that will happen when john and george
are back with the beatles and they're going back out on tour, or bonn scot
of AC DC wakes up from his long sleep he's been in since 79. Not gonna
----- Original Message -----
From: "Hamit Campos" <hamitcam...@gmail.com>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: MP3 Is Dead!
Ah than saddly I guess I am an audio snob then. lol I can hear the mp3ness
to some MP3s. Fair though some are better than others. But meh I prefer
PCM WAV thanks. lol Na but maybe the matalicness of the PTR incoder jaded
me like I said before.
On 5/17/2017 1:30 PM, Chris Skarstad wrote:
Geez, such negativity around here!
There is nothing in the world wrong with a 320 k mp3 at 44.1 khz stereo.
Listen on a good set of speakers and you will see. Not as good as a
lossless file for sure, but unless you're an audio snob, there's nothing
wrong with it.
and now that the license has expired, you'll see products that couldn't
offer mp3 magicly gain the ability to encode to it.
On 5/17/2017 12:30 PM, Hamit Campos wrote:
Yip yip yip yip yahoo like Rush Limbaw says. I love it. Yeah I was never
a big fan of MP3. But maybe the PTR1's yucky 64 KBPS MP3 jaded me.
On 5/16/2017 6:14 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
Yep subject line says everything, the format is dead and no new
licences will be issued to continue supporting or developing the
MP3 has had a truly remarkable run when you think about it, almost 20
years and the format has ben at the heart of changing the way we listen
to music.
Now there are more efficient formats such as AAC out there and Lossless
compressed formats such as FLAC, storage space has increased and so it
There will be people who use MP3 for a long time to come but those will
become fewer as more people adopt other methods.
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