Geez, such negativity around here!
There is nothing in the world wrong with a 320 k mp3 at 44.1 khz stereo.
Listen on a good set of speakers and you will see. Not as good as a
lossless file for sure, but unless you're an audio snob, there's nothing
wrong with it.
and now that the license has expired, you'll see products that couldn't
offer mp3 magicly gain the ability to encode to it.
On 5/17/2017 12:30 PM, Hamit Campos wrote:
Yip yip yip yip yahoo like Rush Limbaw says. I love it. Yeah I was
never a big fan of MP3. But maybe the PTR1's yucky 64 KBPS MP3 jaded me.
On 5/16/2017 6:14 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
Yep subject line says everything, the format is dead and no new
licences will be issued to continue supporting or developing the format.
MP3 has had a truly remarkable run when you think about it, almost 20
years and the format has ben at the heart of changing the way we
listen to music.
Now there are more efficient formats such as AAC out there and
Lossless compressed formats such as FLAC, storage space has increased
and so it goes.
There will be people who use MP3 for a long time to come but those
will become fewer as more people adopt other methods.
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