Thanks, Dane. This is a useful marketing website that supplements what I found 
elsewhere. What remains is the accessibility question. If anyone on this list 
owns or has tested Bluesound, I'd be grateful for an accessibility assessment.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2017 7:19 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Bluesound app

Looks quite a nice unit and I particularly like the way its been designed 
around high res and lossless file types.

I don't actually have this unit but - from the web page linked to below
- I believe I can answer most of your questions.

Yes, you can stream from your computer to the device.

The device does have a touch panel however you can probably bypass the need for 
this with the IOS/Android controller App or other Apps.

The device will accept Bluetooth streaming.

On 27/02/2017 11:00 PM, Adrian Spratt wrote:
> Hi. As someone barely familiar with audio terminology, I'm wondering if 
> anyone has experience with the Bluesound app. It's been recommended to me for 
> two purposes. One is to carry audio content from my PC to my stereo system. 
> Second, it would enable the streaming of Internet content from an iPhone or 
> iPad through my stereo system.
> Is Bluesound accessible? Can it be used on a PC as well as an iPhone?
> Does Bluesound enable Bluetooth transmission as well as Airplay?
> Thanks.

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