Looks quite a nice unit and I particularly like the way its been designed around high res and lossless file types.
I don't actually have this unit but - from the web page linked to below 
- I believe I can answer most of your questions.
Yes, you can stream from your computer to the device.

The device does have a touch panel however you can probably bypass the need for this with the IOS/Android controller App or other Apps.
The device will accept Bluetooth streaming.


On 27/02/2017 11:00 PM, Adrian Spratt wrote:
Hi. As someone barely familiar with audio terminology, I'm wondering if anyone 
has experience with the Bluesound app. It's been recommended to me for two 
purposes. One is to carry audio content from my PC to my stereo system. Second, 
it would enable the streaming of Internet content from an iPhone or iPad 
through my stereo system.

Is Bluesound accessible? Can it be used on a PC as well as an iPhone?

Does Bluesound enable Bluetooth transmission as well as Airplay?


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