Exactly like it was with anydvd.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af dennis
Sendt: 12. september 2015 18:57
Til: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Emne: Re: DVD Audio Extractor

not surprised. it was suppose to be lifetime upgrades too.

On 9/12/2015 9:51 AM, hamitcampos wrote:
> I'm trying to download it. That's the thing, I no longer have it. Even if
I had bought it, for now it looks like you're screwed if you had to
regestiure it. What I'm saying is the website seems to be gone.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 12, 2015, at 8:54 AM, Aidan <aidan.smartt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What new registration is this? Don't they have this thing anymore
>> where you have to assign a license to your machine and download the
>> license file?
>>> On 12/09/2015, dennis <dennis...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> i've had trouble ever sence they went to the new registration process.
>>> i'm still using version 5.3 and its working fine.
>>>> On 9/12/2015 7:44 AM, hamitcampos wrote:
>>>> Hi, has anyone tried www.dvdae.com lately, I just did and it seems to
>>>> broken. I'm just getting their wep host's site. I know I'm doing the
>>>> adress right because when you google it all the text is there, the
>>>> download link is there, but you always get that woops this link appears
>>>> be broken thing, and like I said, the site brings up that site 5 web
>>>> hosting thing. Are they gone? Is it a flook? What happened? I only just
>>>> tried it now and they haven't written anything in ages. Nor have they
>>>> updated DVD Audio Extractor since God knows when by now. Yeah it's been
>>>> that long. I can't even remember when the newest 1 came out. I didn't
>>>> a coppy of the exe either. I never do because the thing might be
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
>> Facebook: m.facebook.com/aidan.maher92
>> Skype: andries4451
>> Twitter: smarttalk7
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