not surprised. it was suppose to be lifetime upgrades too.
On 9/12/2015 9:51 AM, hamitcampos wrote:
I'm trying to download it. That's the thing, I no longer have it. Even if I had
bought it, for now it looks like you're screwed if you had to regestiure it.
What I'm saying is the website seems to be gone.
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On Sep 12, 2015, at 8:54 AM, Aidan <> wrote:
What new registration is this? Don't they have this thing anymore
where you have to assign a license to your machine and download the
license file?
On 12/09/2015, dennis <> wrote:
i've had trouble ever sence they went to the new registration process.
i'm still using version 5.3 and its working fine.
On 9/12/2015 7:44 AM, hamitcampos wrote:
Hi, has anyone tried lately, I just did and it seems to be
broken. I'm just getting their wep host's site. I know I'm doing the
adress right because when you google it all the text is there, the
download link is there, but you always get that woops this link appears to
be broken thing, and like I said, the site brings up that site 5 web
hosting thing. Are they gone? Is it a flook? What happened? I only just
tried it now and they haven't written anything in ages. Nor have they
updated DVD Audio Extractor since God knows when by now. Yeah it's been
that long. I can't even remember when the newest 1 came out. I didn't save
a coppy of the exe either. I never do because the thing might be updated.
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