Replay Media Catcher
Will refer as RMC6
Using the list view (files list) & invoking the context menu list for a 
particular file in the list view
NVDA 2015.1
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
Blindreplay blog

When using NVDA the list view will not display your files you have captured 
unless you have two or more files via captures or recordings.
JAWS does not have this behavior.
Solutions are to use,
alt+i which is the import keyboard shortcut to import two not so important 
files into the list view contents area.
After you have done your very first capture you will notice three new buttons 
immediately after the list view control and they are,
Show in Folder
Choose the show in folder button with spacebar and this will open your Windows 
Explorer / Files Explorer default storage location. This is your hard drive 
location where your files are stored currently. This was set by the Applian 

So make sure you have two or more files in the RMC6 list view.
If you do not then you'll have to use the show in folder steps above or NVDA 
object navigation insert+numpad1 then insert+numpad6.

NVDA calls this list view as (List) without the parentheses once you have 
landed on it via tabbing around.

When you have two or more files in the rMC6 list view you can use first letter 
navigation and your up or down arrow keys.

Have focus on a file that is in the list view.
Verify with insert+numpad5.
Doing a right click or shift+F10 or context menu on the file we currently have 
focus on and wanting to make changes to this file or other files is not 
possible unless you do the steps shown below or uses the valuable keyboard 
hotkeys like,
ctrl+m which will convert your non MP3 file to MP3.
Say in the very first capture you make the file in the list view is MP4 or FLv 
and you want it to be in MP3.
Place focus on this non MP3 file and press ctrl+m and you will get your file in 
MP3 format.
Also, you can use ctrl+c which will use your global conversion setting you have 
This global setting is not limited to the MP3 format.

If you want all your captures to be globally converted to MP3 while capturing 
then read my text tutorial about the No Conversion Settings control button 
which shows you how to set it to MP3 and at a specific bit rate.

Now to using the context menu keyboard key while you have focus on a file in 
the RMC6 list view to view the context menu list of available options. Tip is 
to use the keyboard shortcuts shown below instead for fatger results.

NVDA does not show the context menu list correctly currently so do the step 
shown below,

The List View Information

This only applies when only one file is in the list view.
Tab until you hear NVDA says list.
You have focus on the list view (files list view).

NVDA will not tell you the name of this file but you will notice a properties, 
play and show in folder button.
This tells you there is a file in the RMC6 list view.
So locate the list view by using the tab key until you hear NVDA say list and 
stop tabbing.
Insert+tab will reveal the focused control.

To find the hidden file  do,
insert+numpad 7 then again
insert+numpad 7 for no review

Press insert+numpad1 for object navigation,
Press insert+numpad6
You will hear NVDA say graphics. This is most likely the icon image for the 
file in your list view.
Press insert+numpad6 again and you will hear the file name.

Press insert+numpad /
Press context menu key, or shift+F10.
NVDA will say Menu.
Press insert+numpad /
NVDA will say Menu
Press insert+numpad *
Press insert numpad4 or insert+numpad 6 to hear the context menu list of 
They are,
save to MP3
Import in WMP
Show In Folder

Since we are working on just one file and only one file is currently in the 
list view press the option you want like save to MP3 with insert+numpad / then 
numpad /.
I strongly recommend you add two or more files in the RMC6 list view so you 
will not have to deal with the above steps but instead do the steps shown below.

The above have keyboard shortcuts that you can use.

Just make sure you have two or more files in your list view to make it easier 
for you.
Read beginning of this article to find out how.
You can capture two sources is one way to do this.

List View Now has two or more files Information
The below only apply when the RmC6 list view has two or mor files
The list view function correctly.
Use up or down arrow keys to find your file.
Use first letter navigation.
Place focus on a file within the RMC6 list view,
Use the keyboard shortcuts that apply for list view content shown below.
Note the shortcuts are not all for the list view so only use those that apply.
Like ctrl+m
ctrl+c if you have set global conversion setting already.
delete key

Keyboard shortcuts 
I have not tested all of these.
Alt + X = Start or Stop Auto mode Stream Downloading
Alt + R = Start or Stop audio recording
Alt + S = Split audio recording
The above work.

Escape = Cancel selected download
Del = Delete selected recording(s) from computer
F2 = Rename selected download/recording.
Ctrl + R = Remove selected file(s) from the file listing, but don't delete from 
Enter = Play selected download/recording
Ctrl + C = Converted selected files to format specified in global conversion 
The one below works,
Ctrl + M = Converted selected files to MP3

Not sure about these,
Add = Combine multiple selected files
Ctrl + F = Fix FLV
F5 = Restart download (only possible for some download streams)
Ctrl + I = Import selected recording(s) into iTunes library
Ctrl + W = Import selected recording(s) into Windows Media Player library
Ctrl + O = Show selected file in Windows File Explorer
Alt + A = Show the album artwork in the Properties Window
Alt + L = Show the song lyrics in the Properties Window
Alt + T = Lookup ID3 tags (artist, song, album, etc) for selected song(s)
Alt + Enter = Open the download/recording properties window
The below do work,
Alt + I = Open file browser to Import songs into Replay Media Catcher 6
F1 = Open web browser to the Replay Media Catcher support page
Alt + F4 = Quit
Ctrl + L = Place cursor in the URL bar
Not sure abot the below,
Ctrl + S = Open Settings tab does work with JAWS.
The below do work in most instances
Ctrl + tab = Next tab
Ctrl + shift + tab = Previous tab
The below works,
Ctrl + v = With the file listing selected, the paste command can be used to 
import media files from the clipboard. Additionally, if you have copied 
multiple URLs from a text file, those can be queued for downloading. 

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