Actually there were a lot of noice in that store when i listened and also 
voiceover sounds distorted in my 5 S.
Well of course no one listens to music in the phone speaker itself.
Maybe teens that wants to show all the world how cool she or he is.
But actually yesterday i got a pair of bose headphones.
I think they are called ae something.
The phones is very comfortable though.
2 okt 2014 kl. 00:28 skrev John Gurd <j.g...@ntlworld.com>:

> I got the iPhone 6. Having upgraded from the iPhone 5s, I personally think
> the speaker sounds a little better than in the 6. Anders, if you heard the 6
> in a shop maybe you are comparing the sound of voice Over? In that case you
> would almost certainly have heard it as the lower quality compressed version
> rather than the high quality one which needs to be installed. 
> In any case, is anyone seriously suggesting they would do any music
> listening from a phone speaker? That's just silly! (smiles). As for claiming
> to be able to tell the difference from uTube... 
> I will say I've listened to some podcasts and books using Voice Dream with
> various voices on the iPhone 6 and it sounds fine, better than the 5S which
> I used extensively. But really, a pair of good quality headphones or a
> Bluetooth speaker is always preferable to any type of phone speaker - which
> is never going to be HiFi. 
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Brian
> Olesen
> Sent: 30 September 2014 17:59
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: Iphone 6 not impressed with the speaker.
> Hi,
> To further improve the confusion there is more bass on an iphone 4S then on
> the 5 serious. :-)
> Brian
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> From: Jeremy
> Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 6:45 PM
> To: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
> Subject: Re: Iphone 6 not impressed with the speaker.
> Having listened to a youtube video on a comparison between the original 5, 6
> and 6 plus, I can say that I definitely notice a difference. It's most
> noticeable between the 5 and 6, but even from the 6 and 6 plus, the plus
> does sound  a little more clearer. Unfortunately, the microphone that the
> uploader was using wasn't super high quality, but it was certainly decent
> enough to detect the levels of bass between the 5 and 6. I've also got a
> buddy who's got a really nice sounding mic, a yeti, and while in stereo, the
> differences between the two phones is huge, the
> 5 and 6.
> Take care.
> Blessings.
> On 9/30/2014 10:05 AM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
>> The main thing is that you expressed your opinion and I can understand 
>> where you're coming from, the bigger speaker does sound different.
>> I'm also one of those who have actually taken the time, sat down and 
>> tweaked the audio settings of the iPhone 6, adjusting sound and speech 
>> volume etc.
>> On 30 Sep 2014, at 11:58 pm, Anders Holmberg <and...@pipkrokodil.se>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Yes ok, sorry if i was a bit aggressive in my opinion.
>>> I had a look at it at least.
>>> But i think i will wait a year or so.
>>> /A
>>> 30 sep 2014 kl. 14:57 skrev Dane Trethowan <grtd...@internode.on.net>:
>>>> Yes, thought it wouldn't be long before someone wrote on this topic 
>>>> <smile>.
>>>> The speaker on the iPhone 6 is more directional it seems than it was 
>>>> on the 5 - never had a 5S so can't speak on that subject -.
>>>> I'm also sure that something has been done to the voices on the 
>>>> iPhone \.
>>>> Dane Trethowan's iPhone at +61400494862 has had the privlidge of 
>>>> delivering the above eMail to you.
>>>>> On 30 Sep 2014, at 10:38 pm, Anders Holmberg 
>>>>> <and...@pipkrokodil.se>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> Actually i got to try the Iphone 6 today not the plus just 6.
>>>>> I can say that to me the speaker doesn't really sound that impressing.
>>>>> At least i couldn't hear any differences from the 5 s.
>>>>> Voiceover was quite distorted as it used to be so i wont really go 
>>>>> for one even though i could.
>>>>> /A
>> **********
>> Dane Trethowan
>> grtd...@internode.on.net
>> Skype: grtdane12
>> Phone US (213) 438-9741
>> Phone U.K. 01245 79 0598
>> Phone Australia (03) 9005 8589
>> Mobile: +61400494862
>> faceTime +61400494862
>> Fax +61397437954
>> Twitter: @grtdane

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