Cases for iPhones are everywhere <smile>, I bought a leather case from the 
Apple Store.

On 2 Oct 2014, at 9:33 am, Jamie Kelly <> wrote:

> Be interested to know where your case came  from and the link? I found
> mainly plastic type cases at JB hifi.
> Jamie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
> Trethowan
> Sent: Thursday, 2 October 2014 8:50 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: Iphone 6 not impressed with the speaker.
> Pretty much what I think too.
> I certainly wouldn't want to be listening through the internal speaker of
> any device such as an iPhone for no longer than is necessary and - if you're
> listening to iPhones as we have to do ti use them - then the Internal
> speakers just keep getting better for use with Voiceover but if you're
> planning to listen to Podcasts, read books and so on then it won't be long
> before you find the internal speaker to be an irritation.
> I have listened to Internet radio and so forth using the internal speaker of
> my iPhone 6, its a pleasing listen but I much prefer something like the Bose
> Slund Link Air, Mini or III to listen through if I'm going to listen to
> Internet radio.
> I'm typing this eMail on a Bluetooth keyboard whilst listening to feedback
> from Voiceover through the internal speaker and that's perfectly fine for
> me, introducing extra elements such as Bluetooth speakers whilst typing can
> cause problems such as delays in response to what you're typing from
> Voiceover etc though the modern Bluetooth devices with latter versions of
> Bluetooth seem to be a lot better in this regard.
> I'm expecting my leather case for my iPhone 6 to arrive today, will be
> interesting to see how Voiceover sounds on the iPhone 6 after its been put
> into its new home.
> Dane Trethowan's iPhone at +61400494862 has had the privlidge of delivering
> the above eMail to you.
>> On 2 Oct 2014, at 8:28 am, John Gurd <> wrote:
>> I got the iPhone 6. Having upgraded from the iPhone 5s, I personally think
>> the speaker sounds a little better than in the 6. Anders, if you heard the
> 6
>> in a shop maybe you are comparing the sound of voice Over? In that case
> you
>> would almost certainly have heard it as the lower quality compressed
> version
>> rather than the high quality one which needs to be installed. 
>> In any case, is anyone seriously suggesting they would do any music
>> listening from a phone speaker? That's just silly! (smiles). As for
> claiming
>> to be able to tell the difference from uTube... 
>> I will say I've listened to some podcasts and books using Voice Dream with
>> various voices on the iPhone 6 and it sounds fine, better than the 5S
> which
>> I used extensively. But really, a pair of good quality headphones or a
>> Bluetooth speaker is always preferable to any type of phone speaker -
> which
>> is never going to be HiFi. 
>> John
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Brian
>> Olesen
>> Sent: 30 September 2014 17:59
>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>> Subject: Re: Iphone 6 not impressed with the speaker.
>> Hi,
>> To further improve the confusion there is more bass on an iphone 4S then
> on
>> the 5 serious. :-)
>> Brian
>> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>> From: Jeremy
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 6:45 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Iphone 6 not impressed with the speaker.
>> Having listened to a youtube video on a comparison between the original 5,
> 6
>> and 6 plus, I can say that I definitely notice a difference. It's most
>> noticeable between the 5 and 6, but even from the 6 and 6 plus, the plus
>> does sound  a little more clearer. Unfortunately, the microphone that the
>> uploader was using wasn't super high quality, but it was certainly decent
>> enough to detect the levels of bass between the 5 and 6. I've also got a
>> buddy who's got a really nice sounding mic, a yeti, and while in stereo,
> the
>> differences between the two phones is huge, the
>> 5 and 6.
>> Take care.
>> Blessings.
>>> On 9/30/2014 10:05 AM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
>>> The main thing is that you expressed your opinion and I can understand 
>>> where you're coming from, the bigger speaker does sound different.
>>> I'm also one of those who have actually taken the time, sat down and 
>>> tweaked the audio settings of the iPhone 6, adjusting sound and speech 
>>> volume etc.
>>> On 30 Sep 2014, at 11:58 pm, Anders Holmberg <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> Yes ok, sorry if i was a bit aggressive in my opinion.
>>>> I had a look at it at least.
>>>> But i think i will wait a year or so.
>>>> /A
>>>>> 30 sep 2014 kl. 14:57 skrev Dane Trethowan <>:
>>>>> Yes, thought it wouldn't be long before someone wrote on this topic 
>>>>> <smile>.
>>>>> The speaker on the iPhone 6 is more directional it seems than it was 
>>>>> on the 5 - never had a 5S so can't speak on that subject -.
>>>>> I'm also sure that something has been done to the voices on the 
>>>>> iPhone \.
>>>>> Dane Trethowan's iPhone at +61400494862 has had the privlidge of 
>>>>> delivering the above eMail to you.
>>>>>> On 30 Sep 2014, at 10:38 pm, Anders Holmberg 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>> Actually i got to try the Iphone 6 today not the plus just 6.
>>>>>> I can say that to me the speaker doesn't really sound that impressing.
>>>>>> At least i couldn't hear any differences from the 5 s.
>>>>>> Voiceover was quite distorted as it used to be so i wont really go 
>>>>>> for one even though i could.
>>>>>> /A
>>> **********
>>> Dane Trethowan
>>> Skype: grtdane12
>>> Phone US (213) 438-9741
>>> Phone U.K. 01245 79 0598
>>> Phone Australia (03) 9005 8589
>>> Mobile: +61400494862
>>> faceTime +61400494862
>>> Fax +61397437954
>>> Twitter: @grtdane
> ---
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Dane Trethowan
Skype: grtdane12
Phone US (213) 438-9741
Phone U.K. 01245 79 0598
Phone Australia (03) 9005 8589
Mobile: +61400494862
faceTime +61400494862
Fax +61397437954
Twitter: @grtdane

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