Hey Robert, I can't help you but if you find anything, I'd be interested in
hearing about it.
These days I listen to Darkpsy, Forest Psy, and Psycore, and I'd like to
create my own mixes if I had the software. Most of the stuff I have in these
genres is from downloads, not much physical vinyl or CD. I do have quite a
lot on CD in old Techno and Trance from the 90s, but nowadays I don't buy
physical CDs or vinyl if I can get a downloadable version.
I'm an assistant playlist manager for a Psytrance radio station, and if I
could create my own mixes, I could put them up on the station for people to
listen to. I think that would be cool. Anyway, if you find anything, I hope
you will drop me a line.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Godridge
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 12:45 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: blind djs: beatmatching with software, loads of questions
Hi folks,
so, I have been a vinyl dj for about 15 years now, sinse I was a kid!
and I have no intention of putting the decks away, but with the
ammount of great new tracks coming out it's time to get into mp3s I
so, do any of you blind folk know of a decent, accessable, intuative
set up that enables you to beatmatch mp3s as seemlessly as possible?
I'm imagining it's possible that for example the up and down arrows
could be used to control the pitch or they would on my ideal set up.
zulu dj software is the best I've found so far but I can't figure out
the beatmatching though it looks easy!
I am quite a perfectionist, that's what vinyl djing gets you used to
so I can tell off beats a mile off...
if any of you guys dj and would be willing to go through your setup
that would be really great. I mostly play minimal techno, drum and
bass etc so quick fades just won't cut it.