Hi Dane

Yes I see where you are coming from, I don't have much use
for bluetooth regarding an mp3 or daisy player such as the
vr stream but to have built in bluetooth for earphones would
have been nice, I was one who requested it but I think I was
in a minority. I do use bluetooth on my mobile phones, for
pairing the phones etc and have unsuccessfully tried to link
a bluetooth keyboard but have ordered a different one so
don't give up that easily. I think humanware should give us
the choice, whether they will incorporate bluetooth into a
future product is anyone's guess, they will have to do
something good otherwise they will lose out to the market
again, when the vr stream was first released there was not
many similar players but now you have many more and some of
them are better in their own way but it depends on what you
require. I think they had to bring out the new stream mark 2
rather quickly to keep the market otherwise many people
would have gone away from humanware products in favour of
say I devices or similar gadgets which can do much more in
their own way. Again it is personal choice. What will come
after stream mark 2 has gone the whole way as it will
inevitably do in perhaps 5 or more years time, there will be
much different demand. It is good that stream mark 2 has the
wifi so there is several options as to what they can put
that to use with. So far it is just internet radio for me in
the uk and Europe and some book services in the states but
of course for me they are not available. They will add more
features in time.   



-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On
Behalf Of Dane Trethowan
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 4:38 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Different Roads For Humanware and Hims Inc

Hi Adrien, I've changed the subject line to better suit the

I didn't know that a survey was done so thanks for pointing
this out.

I can see how a lot of people wouldn't have rated Bluetooth
as being critical to them but really that does illustrate
more than anything to me just how Human Beware actually
work, that company doesn't really want to market to people
in the real world it seems.

For example, those of us who have been using mobile phones
over the last 10 years now take Bluetooth for granted thus
we buy the appropriate equipment such as speakers, hands
free kits, keyboards, headphones and the like to take full
advantage of it.

Hims Inc obviously want to market their products far and
wide to help those who need good accessibility live as
independent life as is possible and - wherever possible -
integrate into a full working environment and use - wherever
possible - all the tools that are available in the

I don't have any problems with the approach that Human
Beware takes but its not what I want, I want to move ahead
and make things as smooth and as uncomplicated as is
possible whereas - with the other approach Human Beware
takes - doing surveys and just making products specific to
survey needs for their blind clients - means some isolation
from the real world of changing technology, again its up to
the user what road he/she chooses to travel.

On 6 Jun 2014, at 11:54 pm, Adrien Collins
<adriencollins22...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Dane
> I don't know if you know, last year sometime humanware did
> survey of what the users of the vr stream wanted, I think
> there was more demand for wifi than bluetooth, I think
> bluetooth would mean another hardware up-grade, I am not
> sure. I think bluetooth would have been great but as we
> use an adapter for listening to bluetooth earphones, it is
> not much of a problem, not for me in any case. 
> Regards
> Adrien


Dane Trethowan
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