Thanks, I've addressed this in an eMail I just sent the list.

On 23 Apr 2014, at 10:37 pm, Hamit Campos <> wrote:

> Dain, they don't say much about it either. The one thing that we do know
> about recording that I for one care about, well make this 2 things we know
> are that it does PCM WAV, and that it will do stereo. I also find it epic
> that it'll do DAISY 3. But the kinds of things he wants to know you only
> find in the manual. Also, they are going to talk about it in Accessible
> World's tech talk on Monday. He can ask them then I guess. Even Plextalk
> never talked about the Mike pre-amps though. They would say what internal
> mikes they used, they use to recommend mikes for you to use rtoo.
> Everything. Hell, they'd even tell you the CD drive they used. Note, they
> didn't with the awesome and epic PTR2 I don't think. But you could tell it
> was a Panasonic drive when you hooked it up to your PC. Perhaps it'll be the
> same for this. He wants to know the guts of this very interesting recorder
> and player. I say as long as it sounds christal clear, and the pre-amps are
> christle clear and it has an awesome stereo image for recording, it's epic.
> One last tthing. They don't tell us the sample rate nor the bit death
> However, one should always assume with these DAISY recorders, 44 thousand
> 100 KHZ 16 bit. It would be cool if one did 48 KHZ 16 bit at least for once.
> Then we've moved on from CD to DVD at least. Lol..
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
> Trethowan
> Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 5:16 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: Blaze EZ Daisy multi-player with OCR
> Well you should at least know about the recording quality and so on if you
> read the specs that are provided on the web site.
> On 23 Apr 2014, at 6:46 pm, Aidan <> wrote:
>> It sound ok, but we stil don't no if the recording quality is better, 
>> we don't no anything about the mic used, neither the mic pre amp. And 
>> if its like the booksense it will just plain sucks. I rather go for 
>> the hv-e5. It record much better, have better hardware and is much 
>> faster. Not even to mention how stable the firmware. That is one thing 
>> hims just cannot get rite, they need to use programmers who no what 
>> they doing. Sounds like many of them are stil in a learning stage or 
>> something. Its simply unexceptable that a device keep dying on you and 
>> half of the time its not the battery, or sometimes the battery goes 
>> flat, then if you charch again, it won't come on unless if you perform 
>> an hard reset. Is this going to be tru for this unit? I don't really 
>> care much about the OCR although I understand why its useful. The 
>> other thing that I'm really disappointed about for this unit, is that 
>> they used acapela speech. I mean yes I love acapela, but really, just 
>> because other people do it, they just follow along, don't try 
>> something else. I mean I just don't get it. But lets wait and see.
>> On 23/04/2014, Hamit Campos <> wrote:
>>> This sounds cool. I see it'll play WMV and AVI files. Does it I 
>>> wander have a monitor? The little spek table that followed didn't say 
>>> so, but those are videos. So you would watch WMV or AVI files. I 
>>> guess you could just listen if it's a song. Like I have a song called 
>>> Christmass is creeppy and it's a vid. Though it's an N4V file. But 
>>> it's the same point. It's a video. Very cool.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of 
>>> Dane Trethowan
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 7:01 PM
>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>>> Subject: Blaze EZ Daisy multi-player with OCR
>>> Can't wait till this hits the market here, a I thought up till now 
>>> was something you dreamed of <smile>, hope it performs as good as it 
>>> sounds 
>>> **********
>>> Dane Trethowan
>>> Skype: grtdane12
>>> Phone US (213) 438-9741
>>> Phone U.K. 01245 79 0598
>>> Phone Australia (03) 9005 8589
>>> Mobile: +61400494862
>>> faceTime +61400494862
>>> Fax +61397437954
>>> Twitter: @grtdane
>> --
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>> Skype: andries4451
>> Twitter: smarttalk7
>> Audioboo:
> **********
> Dane Trethowan
> Skype: grtdane12
> Phone US (213) 438-9741
> Phone U.K. 01245 79 0598
> Phone Australia (03) 9005 8589
> Mobile: +61400494862
> faceTime +61400494862
> Fax +61397437954
> Twitter: @grtdane


Dane Trethowan
Skype: grtdane12
Phone US (213) 438-9741
Phone U.K. 01245 79 0598
Phone Australia (03) 9005 8589
Mobile: +61400494862
faceTime +61400494862
Fax +61397437954
Twitter: @grtdane

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