Hi James,

Sounds great! Thanks!

Take care,

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of James
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 8:52 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Foobar?

Alexandra Grünauer wrote:
> Is it possible, like in Winamp, to set a hotkey to jump to a certain 
> time, like pressing ctrl+j in Winamp?

foobar2000 doesn't have this functionality built in by default, however you
can install the Seekbox plug-in and assign a keyboard shortcut to it.  Get
it from:

> I'd also like to know weather there are keys for moving forward and 
> backward in a track, which would be the left and right arrow key in

foobar makes no assumptions about what keyboard shorrtcuts you may and may
not want, so the only ones it ships with as standard are things like
Control+O to open a file.  You can follow my instructions to add
whichever hotkeys you would like; take a look through the tree view of
assignable actions to learn what is possible.  To quickly answer your
question, yes, you can assign some keys to jump forwards and backwards
through a file.

> And another question: Is it possible to save the settings i.e. the 
> assigned short keys and load them into another version of Foobar on
another machine?

Yes it is.  If you're running an installed copy of foobar2000, you will find
a file called Core.cfg in %appdata%\foobar2000\configuration (paste this
into the Run dialog to open the folder).  If you copy this file into the
same location on another computer, all your foobar2000 settings, including
keyboard shortcuts, will take effect on that computer.
James Scholes

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