Casey wrote:
> Hi can someone please post how to make hot key or short cut keys for
> foobar.

Open the Preferences dialog with Control+P.  Press K to get to Keyboard
Shortcuts in the tree view.  You'll then see the following controls:
- A list of defined hotkeys and their actions;
- Add/Remove buttons;
- a tree view of actions you can assign hotkeys to divided into
categories plus an edit field to filter these actions;
- a hotkey field where you press the keys you want to be assigned; and
- a Global hotkey check box which controls whether the hotkey should
take effect when outside the foobar2000 window.

To add a new hotkey, for example X to play as in Winamp:
1. Activate the Add new button.
2. Shift+Tab back to the list of defined hotkeys and you should be
focussed on the new entry you've just added.  Depending on which screen
reader you're using, you should hear something like:
"<not set>; Global: no; Type: <not set>; Action: <not set>"
Every time you press the Add new button, the newly added unassigned
entry is focussed automatically in the list so you don't need to repeat
this step for every ke you add once you've got to grips with the layout
of the Keyboard Shortcuts screen.
3. Tab past the Add/Remove buttons and the filter box and in the tree
view of assignable actions, navigate to: [main] > Playback.
Alternatively you can type "playback" in the filter box and then select
4. Tab once to the hotkey field — this field isn't correctly labelled so
you will actually hear a description of the chosen action, in this case
the description will be: "Starts playback".
5. Press the letter X.
6. Activate the OK button to close Preferences or the Apply button if
you want to add more hotkeys.
7. When you've added all the hotkeys you want, add something to your
playlist and try them out.

Hint: there are a lot of actions by default, and any plug-ins you
install can also add actions to foobar2000.  This allows you to create a
very powerful keyboard layout.  For example, unlike in Winamp, you can
add different hotkeys to jump back and forward by different lengths of time.

One other thing to keep in mind: Unlike Winamp, foobar2000 actually has
a pretty standard, accessible user interface, and you will need to use
the arrow keys to navigate your playlists, the media library if you
choose to use it, etc.  Thus, it's best not to assign any actions to these.

James Scholes

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