Hi Collin, my guess is that the problem is that the option for sound activated recording is set to be on. This can be switched off either on the transport menu, where there's a sound activated recording option, or in the recording category of the preferences, where there's Sound activated recording check box. David. original message: Greetings, I know absolutely nothing about Audacity being a GoldWave user, but have received the following from another person who needs help. At the end of the correspondence, there is a DropBox link to a file she created, so please, can somebody go back to her (she is not on the PC Audio list so send privately and, if you wish, to the list). I reproduce the correspondence below. To: co...@pobox.com Subject: converting cassettes to mp3 From: Janine Greening <janine.green...@googlemail.com> Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 22:35:49 +0100 Hello Colin I hope you don't mind me writing, but i know that you have been known to convert cassettes to mp3, (i'm thinking of the archers), so i'm hoping you may be able to help with a slight problem. Basically, i instaled audasity software on to my new laptop last week, (something which i'd got on fine with on my previous laptop), and although the sound is fine when recording, playing the files back is very strange. Although the overall quality is fine, the files seam to jump occasionally, so that parts of words are missed, and the speed sometimes gets affected. Some of these recordings are archers tapes, so you may understand what i mean, when I say that the gaps between scene changes are totally missed, and i'll go from one scene into another with know pause at all. Do you have any suggestions about settings i need to change? I've tried just playing around with it, but all i seem to do is make the quality worse, or have know affect at all, as i'm not as technically minded as some, i'm not as experienced. If you like, i could up-load something to dropbox and show you exactly what I mean? I've converted a file to mp3 just to see if it was something in audasity itself, and sent it to someone else to test, and its having the same affect. Again, I hope you don't mind me writing. Many Thanks, Janine
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