greetings, I am using GW V5.67 on XP home and my control panel looks like this:
Control Properties Play Record Volume Visual Device System Play 1 Play 2 Play 3 All Selection View Loop: 1 Loop: 1 Loop: 1 Fast/Rewind speed Fast: 5.00 Rewind: 5.00 Marker preview (s): 0.150 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 OK Cancel Help Control Properties RecordPlay Volume Visual Device System Recording options Delayed recording Use new file duration: 0:01:00 Timer Monitor input on visuals Time: 12:00:00 Ctrl key safety Day: TodaySet finish marker at stop Show settings window Filter dc offset Level activated Auto save Threshold (dB): -20.00 Power down system Minimum duration (s): 1.00 Prebuffer (s): 1.00 Record mode Bounded to selection Time stamp cues: Bounded and looped %d %b %y, %H:%M:%S Unbounded OK Cancel Help Control Properties VolumePlay Record Visual Device System Volume device: SoundMAX HD Audio Stereo Mix 0 Select Microphone 78 Select Line In 0 Select OK Cancel Help Control Properties VisualPlay Record Volume Device System Status visual: Quick select menu: Blank <GoldWave*> 3D Bars <GoldWave*> Analog Meter <GoldWave*> Level visual: Bars <GoldWave*> Blank <GoldWave*>Blank <GoldWave*> Blowing Inferno <GoldWave*> Left visual: Bulge <GoldWave*> Digital Time <GoldWave*>Blank <GoldWave*> Envelope <GoldWave*> Spectrogram <GoldWave*>Right visual: Spectrum <GoldWave*>Blank <GoldWave*> Spinning Logo <GoldWave*> Time and Status <GoldWave*> Tone Meter <GoldWave*> VU Meter <GoldWave*> Frame rate: 60 Waterfall <GoldWave*> Waveform <GoldWave*> FFT window: X-Y Graph <GoldWave*>Kaiser 7 OK Cancel Help Control Properties DevicePlay Record Volume Visual System Playback SoundMAX HD Audio [0718] Test Latency (s): 0.50 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 Alternative initialization Quality: PCM 16 bit Record SoundMAX HD Audio [0719] Test Volume (dB): 0.00 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 100.00% Mono source: Left channel Right channel Average Quality: PCM 16 bit Joystick/pedal control: None Configure... OK Cancel Help Control Properties SystemPlay Record Volume Visual Device Use DirectSound API Use Core Audio/WASAPI Configure... Information OK Cancel Help So the panel looks the same when GoldWave V5.67 is installed into a WindowsXP Home system, what do earlier versions of GoldWave look like when installed on a Windows7 or windows Vista system? I obtained the above by going to each tab in control properties and then tabbing once and virtualizing the window and copying the resulting selection into this post. Colin Howard, living near Southampton in Southern England. To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: