Hi. I ran across your message again and wanted to see how things were progressing. You said u would be using k A r files? SO these are basically midi files with lyrics that show up on the screen? I ask because these are different than mp3 files zipped with cdg files. Most karaoke people use zip files which contain an mp3 and a graphic cdg file. Obviously the mp3 has full band and usually backing vocals whereas the midi file has a synthisized tone generated file that uses your sound card to play. K a r filess take up a fraction of disc space but sound quality is usually not-so-great. I have more experience with the zipped cdg stuff but I'm sure I can help you either way I just need to know what your setup is.
Brett Boyer
Audio Production and voice over
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----- Original Message ----- From: "Billy Inglis" <hotsco...@virginmedia.com>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 1:45 AM
Subject: karaoke night.

hi guys, I have been asked by friends to be the Jock at their new year karaoke party.
I have never done such a thing before, and I'm now in a panic.
If anyone can advise me or give me some tips on running this party, it would be great. The other query; I'm going to use my laptop computer for playing the KAR tracks, and I'm wondering if there is a good accessible piece of software to play these files?. I realize there are add ons for winamp and WMP, but I would rather have a dedicated karaoke playing program if possible.
Any help or advice in this matter would be much appreciated indeed,


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