Hi do you have there version of the mad plug in.
That will work with the newest version of win amp?
If you do would you please send it to me.
On 12/3/2011 11:20 AM, Dane trethowan wrote:
that's not quite true, there are different quality decoders out there
for MP3 files for example, the Mad plug-in for Winamp is one of the
nicest I've heard. There are others.
On 3/12/2011 10:22 AM, Dave Scrimenti wrote:
You're not going to hear any difference in sound quality from player
to player. The only ways to improve sound quality are to use
uncompressed files, or a better audio card. Winamp and Foobar 2000 are
both very accessible.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Walter" <w...@blueyonder.co.uk>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 6:17 PM
Subject: Winamp Versus wmp Versus VLC Versus....
Hi all. I'm toying with the idea of experimenting with various media
players. Unfortunately not all are worth the trouble and still others
not accessible with JAWS. At this time I use both VLC witch does a good
enough job and WMP which is fine but rather restrictive. I'm
referring here
to playback and neither ripping nor burning as I use Nero express for
burning, and now and then Express burn. For ripping I use CDEX which I
like. I used to use Reel player but when I got my PC reformatted I never
did reinstall it. My question is how does Winamp compare with the other
media players I've mentioned? I have never observed this player being
nor of course tried it. Is it accessible with JAWS 12 and or do you need
scripts to access it's functions? How is the playback quality and
time. Sometimes the latest version isn't the best version so in your
opinion, what version is the most successful? Finally, what other
would you recommend, free or otherwise. The important thing is ease
of use,
it is of little use if the sound quality is the best in the world but
if you
can't use it with a screen reader then it is a waste of time. All
will be welcome and read. Walter.
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