Walter: I would say that Winamp is most accessible; someone I know will correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, no special scripts are needed to do things like move within a file and so forth.
Tom Kaufman
----- Original Message ----- From: "Walter" <>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <>
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 8:54 PM
Subject: RE: Winamp Versus wmp Versus VLC Versus....

Hi.  Well mainly I want other options other than the two I currently use.
The ability to navigate with in a file and particularly the bookmark
facility would be most helpful. My main concern is just how accessible the
programme is with JAWS.  Also, I understand there are plug ins for the
programme, are they free or do they have a cost attached to them.  Also,
exactly what does the basic version offer?  Does the ability to navigate
within files and bookmarks come within the scope of the standard version or are scripts required to get full functionality from the programme. A blind
person can use Gold wave without the scripts if they know what they are
doing but to get the full benefit Scripts are really necessary for gold
Wave, is Winamp the same? Finally, what other programmes have the Bookmark
facility and ability to navigate within a file.  One other thing I haven't
mentioned but it would be helpful and that is the ability to play a very
large folder of mp3 files in a jukebox fashion.  At the moment I have a
folder with just over 10,000 mp3 files in it.  I have WMP set to shuffle
mode and I merely select all then add to Windows media player and I can play
music for hours without interruption.  This folder is going to grow to
150,000 files and much more. I just wonder if Winamp will be able to handle
that amount of files in a similar fashion.  Walter.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Christopher Chaltain
Sent: 03 December 2011 00:23
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Winamp Versus wmp Versus VLC Versus....

What are you looking for in a media player? I like Winamp because I can
manage my local libraries, my portable media players and my podcasts. I
also like the bookmarks feature and the ability to skip around in a
file. Handling content over the internet isv't very accessible though.

I like FooBar 2000 because it's interface is so simple. You can also
manage local libraries with it. Setting it up is kind of tedious though,
since you need to set up all of your own hot keys. I don't think it
manages podcasts for you. It does come in a portable flavor though,
which is nice if you want to run it off of a USB drive or SD card.

I still pull up WMP occasionally, but that's mostly just to rip CD's.

On 02/12/11 17:22, Dave Scrimenti wrote:
You're not going to hear any difference in sound quality from player to
player. The only ways to improve sound quality are to use uncompressed
files, or a better audio card. Winamp and Foobar 2000 are both very
----- Original Message ----- From: "Walter" <>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <>
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 6:17 PM
Subject: Winamp Versus wmp Versus VLC Versus....

Hi all.  I'm toying with the idea of experimenting with various media
players.  Unfortunately not all are worth the trouble and still others
not accessible with JAWS.  At this time I use both VLC witch does a good
enough job and WMP which is fine but rather restrictive.  I'm
referring here
to playback and neither ripping nor burning as I use Nero express for
burning, and now and then Express burn.  For ripping I use CDEX which I
like. I used to use Reel player but when I got my PC reformatted I never
did reinstall it.  My question is how does Winamp compare with the other
media players I've mentioned?  I have never observed this player being
nor of course tried it. Is it accessible with JAWS 12 and or do you need
scripts to access it's functions?  How is the playback quality and
time.  Sometimes the latest version isn't the best version so in your
opinion, what version is the most successful?  Finally, what other
would you recommend, free or otherwise.  The important thing is ease
of use,
it is of little use if the sound quality is the best in the world but
if you
can't use it with a screen reader then it is a waste of time.  All
will be welcome and read.  Walter.

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