Definition of jailbreak from Wikipedia:

Computer software privilege escalation,
a jargon expression for (the act of) overcoming limitations in a computer 
system or device that were deliberately placed there for 
security, administrative,
or marketing reasons; also the description and set of technical instructions 
necessary to achieve a specific jailbreak or a software 
item designed to achieve
a jailbreak.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "kim kelly" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: putting cds on a hard drive

What is jail break?

Kim McNatt-Kelly
Email and facebook:

Have a wonderful day.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brett Boyer" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: putting cds on a hard drive

>U can always jail break the device.
> has some guides about it if you're interested.
> bb
> Brett Boyer
> Audio Production and voice over
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Dave Scrimenti" <>
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
> Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 11:56 AM
> Subject: Re: putting cds on a hard drive
>> There might be. I use iTunes for the iPod, but nothing else. I wish Apple
>> would let the i devices connect to your computer like any other external
>> USB device.
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Richard Claypool" <>
>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
>> Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 7:42 PM
>> Subject: Re: putting cds on a hard drive
>>> Hi,
>>> Wasn't there a utility that would do the file transfers?  Now, this was
>>> a few years ago, so may not even be useful now.  I didn't pay much
>>> attention to it, and as we all know, 4 years is a long time.
>>> What I would personally do, if I had an ipod etc, would be to use itunes
>>> only for that purpose.
>>> I feel like I'm being an old fuddy duddy, but I know my younger self
>>> would agree.
>>> Howver, there ae people who like itunes, and it does everything they
>>> want. To those people, I say, "More power to ya".  I'm not trying to giv
>>> my oppinion as gospel, merely how I view the world.
>>> Choice means compitition, and the ability for people to find what works
>>> best for them in any given project.  Kinda like the old argument about
>>> what linux editing env works better.
>>> twitter
>>> msn
>>> skype
>>> lord_of_beer
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Dave Scrimenti" <>
>>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
>>> Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 5:54 PM
>>> Subject: Re: putting cds on a hard drive
>>>>I agree about iTunes. Unfortunately, for those of us who own an iPod
>>>>Touch, iPhone, or iPad, it's a necessary evil.
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>> From: "Rick" <>
>>>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
>>>> Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 3:45 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: putting cds on a hard drive
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Why not use a program that will rip in flac?  It's a lossless codec,
>>>>> and is about half the size of a wave file.
>>>>> Itunes is a huge bloated piece of crap!  The only benefit is, if you
>>>>> want to buy their music.
>>>>> I don't know if exact audio copy will handle flac, but I'd not be
>>>>> surprised if it did.  It's most likely the best for ripping cds,
>>>>> because of it's exacting standards.
>>>>> One more note, not all mp3 encoders are created equil.  I don't know,
>>>>> but would suspect that, Apple does not use lame.  However, I have no
>>>>> evidence either way.
>>>>> The nice thing is, once can convert from flac to wave and from wave to
>>>>> flac and no loss will happen.
>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>> From: "Les Gordon" <>
>>>>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 10:16 AM
>>>>> Subject: Re: putting cds on a hard drive
>>>>>> hello joe, itunes program is a free download, yes you can buy music
>>>>>> through itunes, but you can also import all your music cds into your
>>>>>> computer using itunes. it works great. and you can set the audio
>>>>>> quality weather its mp3 or wave. all mine are in wave format at its
>>>>>> highest quality.
>>>>>> Cd/Dvd Duplication & Custom Printing
>>>>>> Customer Service
>>>>>> Les Gordon
>>>>>> Phone: (267)329-8150
>>>>>> email:
>>>>>> web:
>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>> From: "Joe Giovanelli" <>
>>>>>> To: <>
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 9:50 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: putting cds on a hard drive
>>>>>>> Hello, Les,
>>>>>>> I thought itunes was a place to purchase songs or albums.  Didn't
>>>>>>> know it includes a program for backing up cds.
>>>>>>> Do I get that from itunes_com?
>>>>>>> Joe G.
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: Les Gordon <>
>>>>>>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
>>>>>>> Date: Wednesday, Aug 10, 2011 22:27:49
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: putting coulds on a hard drive
>>>>>>>> hi, i use itunes, and you can put each cd into its own folder. and
>>>>>>>> all my
>>>>>>>> music i use wave format, whatever the highest quality setting
>>>>>>>> itunes offers.
>>>>>>>> and it works great, once you have it on your hd. you should also
>>>>>>>> backup your
>>>>>>>> hd onto a 2nd hd drive. to be safe. i just finished doing that
>>>>>>>> today with my
>>>>>>>> music.
>>>>>>>> les
>>>>>>>> Cd/Dvd Duplication & Custom Printing
>>>>>>>> Customer Service
>>>>>>>> Les Gordon
>>>>>>>> Phone: (267(329-8150
>>>>>>>> email:
>>>>>>>> web:
>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>>> From: "Joe Giovanelli" <>
>>>>>>>> To: <>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 9:10 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject: putting coulds on a hard drive
>>>>>>>> > Hello, List,
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > The subject probably says it.  Many of the cd's I have are some
>>>>>>>> > which I
>>>>>>>> > made, so they are probably less permanent than commercially made
>>>>>>>> > disks.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > I'm looking at putting their contents onto a large hard drive.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Has any one doone this?  What is the best way to do it?  Would
>>>>>>>> > each disk
>>>>>>>> > have to be in its own folder?
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > I look forward to whatever you come up with.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Joe G.
>>>>>>>> >
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