At 03:26 AM 4/28/2011, you wrote:
Look for it in the Itunes store, Ipeng HD.
On 28/04/2011, at 3:05 PM, Saylien Brown wrote:
> That's great news! I always had to get sighted assistance to use
the app function of my Squeezebox to access Shoutcast and Live365.
And this App allows you to change such things from your iPad 2? How
can I get my hands on it?
> At 07:05 PM 4/27/2011, you wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Just been playing with a Super Duper Ipad app for a Squeezebox
system called Ipeng HD.
>> This app allows you to control just about every aspect you can
possibly think of regarding your Squeezebox system and when I say
just about e everything I mean exactly that, just about everything,
you can even use the app to switch one or more of your players to
different sources and until now the only way of doing that was to
go to each player and switch it from the menu.
>> By music sources I mean one or more Squeezebox servers or your
"My Squeezebox" account so being able to control this feature is a
huge step forward for me at least with the system.
>> Other people on this list use the Squeezebox system with various
Squeezebox players including Boom and Duet so they perhaps may wish
to comment further.
>> I've already written a piece on my experience with the
Squeezebox Boom on my blog at ,>
and will be writing more shortly.
>> Sent from my iPad
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