Look for it in the Itunes store, Ipeng HD.

On 28/04/2011, at 3:05 PM, Saylien Brown wrote:

> That's great news! I always had to get sighted assistance to use the app 
> function of my Squeezebox to access Shoutcast and Live365. And this App 
> allows you to change such things from your iPad 2? How can I get my hands on 
> it?
> At 07:05 PM 4/27/2011, you wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Just been playing with a Super Duper Ipad app for a Squeezebox system called 
>> Ipeng HD.
>> This app allows you to control just about every aspect you can possibly 
>> think of regarding your Squeezebox system and when I say just about e 
>> everything I mean exactly that, just about everything, you can even use the 
>> app to switch one or more of your players to different sources and until now 
>> the only way of doing that was to go to each player and switch it from the 
>> menu.
>> By music sources I mean one or more Squeezebox servers or your "My 
>> Squeezebox" account so being able to control this feature is a huge step 
>> forward for me at least with the system.
>> Other people on this list use the Squeezebox system with various Squeezebox 
>> players including Boom and Duet so they perhaps may wish to comment further.
>> I've already written a piece on my experience with the Squeezebox Boom on my 
>> blog at ,http://www.grtdane.wordpress.com> and will be writing more shortly.
>> Sent from my iPad
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