And as a footnote to my original message, Total Recorder has an "Optimal 
Recording Level" adjustment which I find nice and handy though I don't need to 
adjust levels all that much here.

On 28/03/2011, at 11:57 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:

> I'm going to fail to answer your question with this post.
> I'm a Goldwave user though I don't record with it, rather I use Total 
> Recorder for the recording and why? Because I can playback what I'm recording 
> on the spot, in other words "Time Shifting", like a video recorder or PVR and 
> that means the world to me when recording.
> On 28/03/2011, at 10:53 PM, Mark Meusborn wrote:
>> Howdy All,
>> I am pretty new at this, but I have been using a tutorial.  I am still in 
>> the beginner's portion of the tutorial.  I have everything hooked up right, 
>> but when I try to record vinyl, using my turn table, I can't figure out how 
>> to monitor the sound from the turn table.  I did a test recording, and it is 
>> recording, but no sound from the speakers.  The tutorial doesn't mention 
>> anything about how to do that, so I am at a loss as to what to do.  I have 
>> changed a couple of settings, but still nothing.  I hope someone can help.
>> Mark
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