Hi thanks for the pluggins that you sent me.
Now when I go to install them after I have down loaded them.
Where do I install them to or when I go to install them do they just know where to go when they are being installed?
Thanks again and I will look forward to giving these a try.

Casey----- Original Message ----- From: "Gianluca Apollaro" <gianluca.apollar...@gmail.com>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2010 3:59 AM
Subject: Re: flack files and not being able to add them to a CD to burn them

Hi Casey,
Here is a link with what you need. there is the nero plugin for flac and other plugins.
If you need more help, fell free to ask


Best regards
skype: gianluca8815

On 22/05/2010 19:25, Casey wrote:
Hi I have been trying to make a few CD'S of files that are flack and I select the folder of them that I want and it says that it can't add them unless there is a educated plug in installed.
That is what Nero is telling me.
So how do you make it so you can burn these files and or where do you get this educated plug in from to make this work?
All assistance is welcome.


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