you can use easy cd da extracter which can burn convert/rip files into flac

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kelly Pierce" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2010 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: flack files and not being able to add them to a CD to burn them

I don't have Nero.  Are there other ways to burn a FLAC album onto a CD?


On 5/23/10, Gianluca Apollaro <> wrote:
> Hi Casey,
> Here is a link with what you need. there is the nero plugin for flac and
> other plugins.
> If you need more help, fell free to ask
> Best regards
> Gianluca
> skype: gianluca8815
> On 22/05/2010 19:25, Casey wrote:
>> Hi I have been trying to make a few CD'S of files that are flack and I
>> select the folder of them that I want and it says that it can't add
>> them unless there is a educated plug in installed.
>> That is what Nero is telling me.
>> So how do you make it so you can burn these files and or where do you
>> get this educated plug in from to make this work?
>> All assistance is welcome.
>> Casey
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