Hi Jörgen,

I was complimenting you for giving several ways people could contact you to obtain the file you were offering. Thank you for doing that. You did it the correct way.

The problem I have was that when someone on en e-mail list offers to share a file there's always forty or fifty people sending messages directly to the e-mail list saying, please send it to me too and generating unnecessary list traffic. As you saw, even though you gave your contact information, there were still six or eight requests sent to the list asking for the file. I just don't understand why they would do this when you gave your e-mail address in the body of your message where it was not at all difficult to find.

Thank you.


** Message From: Jörgen Hansson **
>Hey Tom!
>I'm only asking for their e-mail adresses so I can click on their links, on >this way, I can help the people who want me to help them off list, do you >understand? that's why I ask the people about their addresses, so this list
>should be none trafical with much cludder and such, Ok?
>I know that this list is not allowing to share files on it, that's why I
>tell people to contact me off list.
>Ok enough from me.

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