Ah, good point Frank. You didn't include the messages you were replying to,
but I think this is the same thread talking about how to play MP3's on your
DTBM. As anexample of the good information you can get from the BARDTalk web
page, it says the following:

10. Can I move a thumb drive with NLS books between my third party reading
device and my DTB player and have it work with both? 
Answer: Yes. The NLS dtbm will locate any NLS books on your thumb drive
regardless of the folder names in which they are placed. If your third party
device requires the NLS books to be in a certain folder, you should place
them branching off that folder if you plan to listen to them using both the
and your third party reader. For example, if your third party reader is a
Victor Reader Stream, you would place the NLS books in subfolders below
on your thumb drive so you could listen to them on both the NLS dtbm and
your Stream. Remember that bookmarks including your current reading position
stored on the individual device and will not transfer when you switch the
media between reading devices. 
11. Where do I put MP3 files I want to listen to on my DTB player? 
Answer: Create a folder on your thumb drive or a writable cartridge called:
audio+podcasts. Note, when creating this folder, use the + sign between
and podcasts. Additional folders may be created under that main folder. Mp3
files will be played sequentially based on their file names. the NLS dtbm
not announce the names of the files because it does not have a built in text
to speech engine. 



-----Original Message-----
From: pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org]
On Behalf Of Frank Brown
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 4:10 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Revisiting nls digital player

Hello listers,
A great place to get info about the Nls players is the Bardtalk home page

Frank Brown 

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