I currently use a set of small stereo speakers whose main purpose is to handle jaws. Does anyone know where I can find a single speaker to do this job since jaws doesn't need stereo. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Laz Mesa" <laza...@gmail.com>
To: "Pc-audio" <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: portable amplified speaker system for mp3 players

Hi Sunshine,

We have the Digipower Mini Stereo Speakers for $18.99 on our site at:

These speakers use 1 double-A battery, and the headphone jack sticks
out of the side of the speakers, so you can just plug it into your MP3
player, portable radio, laptop/netbook, or any portable audio device
with a 3.5 mm headphone jack.  There are no wires to mess about with.
It's a cylindrical design with the stereo speakers on either end.

The sound is amplified so that one doesn't have to listen with
headphones on.  One is free to roam about the room while listening or
share your audio with someone else.  They're very portable as they fit
in your pocket.

Take a look at the website for more information.



You wrote:
I am in need of a good sounding set of portable amplified speakers that can
be used with an mp3 player.
that has a 3.5 mm jack.
does anyone have any good ideas, brand names model numbers and prices?
if so i would like to hear from you about them.

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