Hi Joe, In your message you left out one very important detail! You forgot to tel us what screen reader you want these scripts for (smile). There are Window-eyes scripts for Adobe Audition 3 available from
https://www.gwmicro.com/Script_Central/Scripts/Script_Details/?scriptid=1219 I haven't tried Adobe Audition so I don't know how well these scripts work. I hope this helps. On Fri, 29 Jan 2010 11:17:46 -0000 "joe bollard" <joebolla...@eircom.net> wrote: hello friends, are there any scripts for "adobe audition" is it easy to operate, i did have a reply from someone on this list who is using it, but would like to know more, my reason for asking is that i am currently working with a radio station here in ireland and they use adobe audition, they suggest that i do the same, so any help will really be appreciated. Regards Steve Email: s...@internode.on.net MSN Messenger: internetuser...@hotmail.com Skype: steve1963 Twitter: steve9782 To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: pc-audio-unsubscr...@pc-audio.org