1. I can add the ability to play an entire folder in Foobar from Windows Explorer, fare enough its complicated to do, but works great once I've done it. 2. I can stream files off the net using Foobar. I just add the link to my playlist. 3. I have a multimedia keyboard, so I have a pause key that works with Foobar, plus, notice the option in the keyboard section of the Foobar preferences, "Global Hotkey". If I check that box, a keyboard shortcut, say for pausing, Playing etc will work anywhere in Windows.
-----Original Message----- From: Marco Steinebach - Mardy <supp...@mar-dy.com> To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org> Date: Monday, January 05, 2009 02:36:40 PM Subject: SV: new Mediaplayer available Hi Anders, Yes, I had a look to Foobar2000. Its a good one, but there are some things in MaPlEr you may wanna notice: You can play a whole folder from the windows explorer by just selecting "Play with MaPlEr" from the file menu. You can pause and resume the playback from everywhere in windows by using the pause key. You can play an audiolink from the internet without downloading it first. The userinterface seems to be more usuable to me. And, yes, it's not free, but the price is only 7,00 Euro, not too much, I think. You can try the program, but you'll hear a message every 90 seconds in the demo version. Best regards Marco Jonathan Mosen List Founder Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... http://www.pc-audio.org To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: pc-audio-unsubscr...@pc-audio.org __________ NOD32 3738 (20090105) Information __________ This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system. http://www.eset.com -- Check out my radio and TeamTalk server! http://www.jls-radio.com -- James Scholes E-mail: ja...@jamesscholes.com MSN/Windows Live Messenger: jamesscho...@msn.com AIM: JamesScholes000 Skype: james.scholes Website: http://www.jamesscholes.com Blog: http://www.jamesscholes.com/blog Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jamesscholes Find me on Facebook! Username: jamesscholes Link to Facebook profile: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1375965156&hiq=jamesscholes Last.FM Profile: http://www.last.fm/user/jamesscholes000 -- Message sent at 07:48:10 PM GMT on Monday, January 05, 2009 Jonathan Mosen List Founder Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... http://www.pc-audio.org To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: pc-audio-unsubscr...@pc-audio.org